... how 2 think like a programmer ...

0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Name : Photoline.exe - Type : Image application Size : 2,412,544 bytes 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
  Reversing Engineering Lab

Tools Used :  Softice V3.24 - W32dasm 8.93 - Hiew 6.01

... from newbie to another ...


Photoline 5.06
Author : Bad G÷gging Computerinsel GmbH.
Email : support@pl32.com
Homepage : http://www.pl32.com

Hi guys ... you are now reading my fourth tutorial ... sorry if there's any grammatical errors .. hope you'll understand this piece ... thiz time we're dealing with programs written in Visual C++ ... let's rock !! ...
PhotoLine 32 is a powerful image editing application. Besides its image editing capabilities PhotoLine 32 also has all the functions of a pixel and vector painting software. Due to numerous import and export drivers and its batch capabilities it fulfills the requirements of an image file format converter. The combination of batch conversion and a powerful macro action recorder results in an extremely powerful automation tool.PhotoLine 32 has especially been developed for Windows 95/98 and Windows NT and therefore supports OLE2 as well.
Protection system
Registration is by selecting Options - Register. We're asked to enter :

Registration : [               ] [              ]

The registration code is based on what you type in first entry. 

1. Deep within your System Registry it uses the following branch to store it's license data. 


    "SerialNumber500"=" "


    "SerialNumber500"=" "
2. It's a 30 day, time limited program that will 'expire' after 30 days of being installed.
3. Intro 'Damn' Nag Screen

The essay
... Click on Options - Register ... fill out the boxes  with the following entry as example :

Registration : [ 7171717 ] [ 01010 ]

... [OK] ... #bOOm# .. " Error : You entered a false serial number " ... what now ?! ... let's see what can we get from 'dead listings' ... fire up W32Dasm and disassemble photoline.exe ... wait... ^%$& wait.... !!@#$% .... waiittt ..... done !! , click REFS - STRING DATA REFERENCE, look down for the message .... NONE !!? ... hmm ... i think  Bad G÷gging has read CrackZ's protection tips  no.3 ??! ... that's alright guys .... this is would be fun ... let's check for another 'unique' text ... snip ... snip ,,,  aha ! ... '"Serialnumber500" ... double click on the text ... heeii there's 3 of them :

1. * Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"SerialNumber500"
   :004DA804 6824BC5E00 push 005EBC24 ; we're gonna set bpx at here

2. * Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"SerialNumber500"
    :0050ED46 6824BC5E00 push 005EBC24 ; we're gonna set bpx at here

3. * Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"SerialNumber500"
    :0050F012 6824BC5E00 push 005EBC24 ; we're gonna set bpx at here

... for me these looks like a value name in registry .. run regedit .. 'n goto HKCU\Software\Computerinsel\PhotoLine\Settings ... you'll see value   "SerialNumber500"="7171717 1010" ...  we can  attack this programs by setting breakpoint using RegQueryValueExA function just before we run it.... but  i'd like to try an easier way .... now enter reg again .. fill out the entry with our example key .. DO NOT push [OK] yet ... CTRL+D (to get in Sice)... BPX HMEMCPY [ENTER] ... X [ENTER] ... [OK] ... #bOOm# ... F12 11 times (to get in photoline code) ... set BPX at 3 address above :

BPX 50F012 [ENTER]

... #bOOm# ... we're back to photoline ... move your mouse a little bit ... #bOOm# ... Break due to BPX # ... :50F012 ... heii we break in our 3'rd breakpoint .... i don't like thiz ... leave Sice (X [ENTER]) ... click on ? - About Photoline  ... #bOOm# ... Break due to BPX # ... :4DA804 ... aaah .. now let's analyze the code ... keep tracing ... untill we get the following code:

:004DA8D8 E853ACFBFF call 00495530
:004DA8DD 8D4C2404 lea ecx, [esp+04] ; ? EAX : 0000001010 ... hmmm .. seems the show (keygen routine) is
; about to begin ...
:004DA8E1 89442404 mov [esp+04], eax
:004DA8E5 51 push ecx
:004DA8E6 E875000000 call 004DA960 ; STEP IN (F8) at here ...

... we're here now ...

004DA960 8B442404 mov eax, [esp+04]
004DA964 83EC08 sub esp, 00000008
004DA967 8B4804 mov ecx, [eax+04] ; ? ECX : 0007171717 ...
004DA96A 85C9 test ecx, ecx ; ands 0007171717 with 0007171717
004DA96C 750C jne 004DA97A ; if zero flag not set then jump to 4DA97A

... we're jump to 4DA97A  ....

004DA97A 8D4C2400 lea ecx, [esp]
004DA97E 51 push ecx
004DA97F 50 push eax
004DA980 E82B650400 call 00520EB0 ; keygen routine !!!
004DA985 8B44240C mov eax, [esp+0C] ; EAX=00006D6E85 .. ? EAX: 7168024 .. ur dummy key (7171717 01010)
; has change (fucked up) in keygen routine ...
004DA989 83C408 add esp, 00000008
004DA98C A9FF0F0000 test eax, 00000FFF ; first check
004DA991 7407 je 004DA99A
The test instruction logically ands eax with the value 00000FFF. If the result is non zero then it will clear the zero flag .. and we will be a bad cracker ,,, but if the result is zero then zero flag is set and we will jump to 004DA99A ( good cracker routine) ... of course in thiz case we will not jump to 4DA99A  ... but let's assume we have enter the valid code .... ( i've cutted bad cracker routine from here) ....
004DA99A 2500F0FFFF and eax, FFFFF000
004DA99F 3D00D00700 cmp eax, 0007D000 ; second check
004DA9A4 7407 je 004DA9AD ; if zero flag is set then jump to 004DA9AD (good cracker)
This instruction performs the computation eax-0007D000 and sets the flags depending upon the result of the computation. The zero flag is set if and only if eax = 0007D000.
004DA9AD A138A26200 mov eax, [0062A238] ; at here .. EAX=00000000
004DA9B2 85C0 test eax, eax ; final check
004DA9B4 7417 je 004DA9CD ; if everythings is OK then jump to 004DA9CD (good cracker)
004DA9CD 66B80100 mov ax, 0001 ; good cracker routine
004DA9D1 83C408 add esp, 00000008 ; good cracker routine
004DA9D4 C3 ret

... hmm ... those 3 checks routine above looks very interesting for me ! ... thiz time i'd like to give you an alternative solution ( READ : Re-Coding ) for this prot scheme 'n i think thiz would be more fair (at least for me) rather than examine the keygen routine ... clear all breakpoints 'n set BPX at 004DA985 ... enter reg again with "512000" in 1'st entry 'n enter any number in 2'nd entry ...

Registration : [ 512000 ] [7171717]

.. [OK] ... #bOOm# .. we land here :

004DA985 8B44240C mov eax, [esp+0C] ; EAX=0007D49D .. ? EAX: 513181 ..

... Interesting ?! .... NO ???? .... 7D000h - 7DFFFh = 512000 - 516095 ... enter reg again :

Registration : [ 516095 ] [7171717]

.. [OK] ... #bOOm# .. we land here :

004DA985 8B44240C mov eax, [esp+0C] ; EAX=0007D364 .. ? EAX: 512868 ..

... Got it ?! ... YEAH I can see it now !! ...  as long as we enter a value from 512000 to 516095 in the first entry then EAX register at 4DA985 will have a value :0007DXXX ... now let's continue executing the next code ...

004DA989 83C408 add esp, 00000008
004DA98C A9FF0F0000 test eax, 00000FFF ; at here type : A [Enter] .. now enter this instruction :
TEST EAX,00000000 [Enter] then press [ESC] key ... now any value in eax will result zero (set zero flags)
004DA991 7407 je 004DA99A ; so we'll always jump to 004DA99A
004DA99A 2500F0FFFF and eax, FFFFF000 ; and 0007D364, FFFFF000 ... EAX=0007D000
004DA99F 3D00D00700 cmp eax, 0007D000 ; cmp 0007D000,0007D000 ... set zero flags ...
004DA9A4 7407 je 004DA9AD ; we'll always jump to 004DA9AD
004DA9AD A138A26200 mov eax, [0062A238] ; at here .. EAX=00000000
004DA9B2 85C0 test eax, eax ; ands 00000000,00000000 ... set zero flags ...
004DA9B4 7417 je 004DA9CD ; we're jump to 004DA9CD
004DA9CD 66B80100 mov ax, 0001 ; good cracker routine
004DA9D1 83C408 add esp, 00000008 ; good cracker routine
004DA9D4 C3 ret

... heii ... it was registered ...

The Cracks

... Load up photoline.exe into your favorite Hex-Editor.
Search for the following bytes :  A9FF0F0000
Replace with following bytes    :  A900000000

... enter reg screen with any value from 512000 to 516095 in 1'st entry... you can type any number in 2'nd entry or leave it blank.

Final notes
... that's all for now ... any comment/suggestions/critics ?! ... just let me know ! ... int 21h ,,,
Greetz :
SandMan,CrackZ,tKC/All PC members, tHATDUDE, UCF, Torn@do, The Immortal Descendants, +ORC, MiB , Iczelion, GCG, ED!SON, Razzia, +Xoanon, iCECREAM, FraVia, Lord Caligo, Buckaroo Banzai, +gthorne , Mexelite , Corn2, Vizion, Manson69, nIabI, Cyborg, ^pain^, intruder, Yaan, Laxity, JoGy, nIabI [C4N/ME], MR NICK, NaTzGUL [REVOLT], Qapla', The _RudeBoy_ , BigMoM, Aphex Twin [Vandals], v√lt√_δ, eXact, YOSHi, Volatility, ZeroDay, Aescu, _CbD_, Gavin Estey, DR. Encryption, Joshua Auerbach, Klee8084, masta_, Chuck Nelson, _HaK_, Nemrod and ReN, R. DeYoung, Hugo Perez, lownoise, Hayras, YOU .....
Special Thanks:
Bad G÷gging ... for giving me a challenge ... you forced me to improve my skills a little bit.


Written / Design bY       : widYa-cL 2011
Page Created : 01 March 1999